Association of Trades and Crafts Zadar

About us
  Association of Trades and Crafts Zadar is a professional – business organisation which, in keeping with the Law of Craft and Trade and Statute, promotes, organises, represents and presents the joint interests of Craftsmen and Tradesmen in the areas in the towns of: Zadar, Nin, Obrovac and in the local councils of: Bibinje, Galovac, Gračac, Jasenice, Kali, Kukljica, Novigrad, Poličnik, Posedarje, Preko, Privlaka, Ražanac, Sali, Starigrad, Sukošan, Škabrnja, Vir, Zemunik Donji.

The legal framework for the work of the Association is regulated in articles 62-80 of the Law of Craft and Trade. In accordance with article 67 of the Law, membership in the Associations of Trades and Crafts is compulsory for traders, individual merchants and companies who carry out trading activities, and have business in the territory covered by the Association.

Association of Trades and Crafts Zadar numbers about 3,550 members who carry out many different activities and within the Association they operate through guild connections – the sections (guilds) are grouped into 8 basic areas:

  • Production Section,

  • Service Section,

  • Catering and Tourism Section,

  • Construction Section,

  • Commerce Section,

  • Transport Section,

  • Section for Intellectual Services,

  • Fishing, Aquaculture and Agriculture Section.

The Statute of the Association regulates the tasks and business of the Association, and especially: content of work; organisation and territorial catchment area of the Association; realising the interests of members of the Association; the rights, obligations and responsibilities of members; a process of bringing about and changing the Statue and other basic acts; the body of the Association, their aspect of work, content, number of members, the way of election and length of mandate; the way the different bodies of the Association bring about decisions, organisation and work of the Association, and especially organisation and tasks of Professional Service of the Association; representing and presenting the Association, content and form of creating cooperation with the bodies of unit of the local authorities and other organisations, public works and notices, and ensuring resources for the work of the Association.

ARM IZRADA NAMJEŠTAJA | Izrada namještaja 
Adresa: Franka Lisice 42
Telefon: 023 325033
Osnovano: 1995
Djelatnost: Izrada namještaja
Knjigovodstveni obrt LIBAR | Knjigovodstvo 
Adresa: Luke Botića 26
Telefon: 316-526
Osnovano: 2004
Djelatnost: Knjigovodstvo
EMILIJO BAJLO | prijevoznički obrt 
Telefon: 098-612-786
Djelatnost: prijevoznički obrt
ŠTEANČIĆ, instalacija klima ur. i centralnog grijanja | Instalacija klima uređaja i centralnog grijanja, te popravak kuć. aparata 
Adresa: Put Njivica 93 -Diklo
Telefon: 023/332-686 - 098/9518-078
Osnovano: 2008
Djelatnost: Instalacija klima uređaja i centralnog grijanja, te popravak kuć. aparata
Knjigovodstveni obrt -MM- | Knjigovodstvo 
Adresa: Ante Starčevića 26
Telefon: 023/312-218
Osnovano: 2005
Djelatnost: Knjigovodstvo
GRAPHIC CENTAR | Grafičko tiskarske dijelatnosti 

Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in /home/uozhr/public_html/en/tumb/ on line 198
Adresa: Mihe Klaića 5/1kat
Telefon: 023-211-664
Osnovano: 2003
Djelatnost: Grafičko tiskarske dijelatnosti
T.U.O. ŠKIBOLA | Trgovina; ugostiteljstvo 
Adresa: Grbe
Telefon: 023/264-340
Osnovano: 1980
Djelatnost: Trgovina; ugostiteljstvo
IDEA | frizerski salon 

Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in /home/uozhr/public_html/en/tumb/ on line 198
Adresa: Trg Petra Zoranića 3
Telefon: 314-436
Osnovano: -
Djelatnost: frizerski salon
Adresa: J.M. Dalmatinca 1
Telefon: 023-214-757
Osnovano: 1985. godina
GABRIELI | pekarsko-slastičarski obrt 
Adresa: R.Frangeša 34
Telefon: 331 367
web: Gabrieli Biscuits
Osnovano: 1995
Djelatnost: pekarsko-slastičarski obrt
 List of Zadar Businesses according to type of trade
Association of Trades and Crafts Zadar. All rights reserved. © 2007.