In Croatian trade and craft there is a centuries old tradition of organising various forms of associations, with the aim of protecting and promoting the interest of tradesmen and craftsmen. In the Zadar area the tradition of association goes back as far as the 12th century in the form of brotherhoods who operated until 1808. However, confirmation of the development of trade and craft in Zadar throughout history is given by the architecture of the city and the number of valuable exponents which are the results of the work of well known craftsmen from this area.
The Association of Trades and Crafts Zadar is the successor of the Association of Independent Entrepreneurs which has been operating as such since 1968. Primary (original) objective of Association of craftsmen has been, and remains the basis for the chamber system operation. It has been established on the need for joint efforts, promotion and coordination of entrepreneur’s interests.
The Law of Trade and Crafts from 1994 regulates functioning of the chamber system at the national level. It renewed the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts as highest institution, and regulates the organization of the County Chamber of Zadar. Within the chamber system, Tradesmen and Craftsmen Association is a basic organizational unit for organization of craft and trade entrepreneurs.
